happy new month! my buffer is shot but i am feeling a lot better than i did at the start of last month. this shit is rough, man. why have i started so many projects in my life. i have so much to do, such as:
things i should not be doing:
guess which one i am doing. its the one i gravitate toward the most because it takes the least amount of effort. at least its a really good plot explainer, i think. and once i finish it i will never, ever, ever have to think or talk about it again. it will be out of my head and onto the page in a coherent fashion. i wish i could hole myself up for a week and just smash it out without having to worry about making money.
when i say its gratuitous, i mean it. like:
i'm trying to dissect the plot in chronological order and i'm only at the research hall. this means nothing to non-bloodborne fans but its basically like if i set out to briefly describe the entirety of human history and i was still describing dust particles formed in the big bang
anyway: you can tell i was really going through it when i made this page because there's two panels thats just a talking cone head. what was she thinking!?
happy february. stay warm! i'm going to try to start doing monthly newsletters again!